The moment of the history in which we live, in which the borders have never been so visible and so invisible at the same time, I have proposed to visit all possible of the hand of sexbloggers. The purpose of this meeting is to get to know each other a bit more, to open up to the international community and share common points. A small space in which borders do not exist and only reigns the intention to improve the vision of sexuality, educate in diversity, positivity and respect, and enjoy while doing what is done.
Talking about sexuality, erotic toys, sexual practices, or anything related to sex, is important; Because we need a society that normalizes something so very natural, and if that makes us have to be thousands of people talking about it every day, there we will be.
The result has been somewhat broader than imagined, so I will share the content of these small interviews in two post. And given the internationality of participation, both will be bilingual, so I’m asking for forgiveness for translations, I’m a linguist but in another … subject. Shall we start?
It will be 9 years in June
* Approximate number of erotic toys (collection)
I’ve thrown out some really old or bad ones in the interest of saving space, so I’d estimate that the ones I keep around because I like them or see a need to compare items with them in the future is somewhere around 250. If I had never given any away / thrown any away, I bet the number would be closer to 350.
* How did you start as a sexblogger?
I started my blog in June 2008 after being introduced to the blog of Ellie; I was talking to her boyfriend via OkCupid because I asked on the OKC forums if anyone had ever used a few certain sex toys. I was fed up with the worthless little one-line reviews I was finding on the sex toy retail sites. I hadn’t yet found certain retailers who had been doing the more detailed user reviews for awhile so I was left clueless as to the intensity of a vibrator and if it could work for me. I wanted to be able to ask someone who owned the vibrator questions about it. I was so very intrigued by the idea of not only a sex blog, but the fact that Ellie was given sex toys FOR FREE (!!) just to write about them. The niche I made a home in was more about “sexy” blogging – writing sexy things, writing about your sex life, your dating life and posting sexy pics. I eventually abandoned that for what you see now, and stick to talking about sex toys, reviewing sex toys, and educating other bloggers.
* What do you like most about dedicating yourself to it? And what less?
What I like the most is that my educational articles have helped a lot of people, and some of them kindly email me to tell me. I am making a small, but effective, good change in the world.
What I like least is dealing with some of the companies in the adult sex toy industry, who think feminism and sex-positivity are some foreign language. They employ shame and judgment as if they are funny jokes.
* A desire for the future (related to your blog, to the vision of sexuality …).
I honestly have no idea what my blog future looks like. I never thought I would last 9 years!
* A tip for other bloggers
Research everything before you make claims that are anything other than your opinion.
Gemma Schwein / Jugando con Eros / España
Unos tres años aproximadamente.
Pues me siento muy afortunada de poder decir que un gran número, entre 40 y 50 entre vibradores, plugs, balas, arneses, y complementos eróticos
Empecé porque siempre me había hecho mucha ilusión tener un blog, y decidí hablar de lo que más me gusta y con lo que más cómoda me siento.
Lo que más me gusta es que gracias al blog he conocido a gente maravillosa, me ha dado la oportunidad de trabajar en otra de mis ilusiones, para un programa online de tv hablando de sexualidad. También me encanta aprender cosas nuevas y vivir nuevas experiencias, salir de la zona de confort. Lo que menos el gran sacrificio diario que conlleva, estar activa en todas las redes sociales.
Mi deseo es que la educación sexual llegue de forma positiva, en todos los ámbitos y a lo largo de la vida de cada uno de nosotros. También luchar porque realmente todos los derechos sexuales sean UNIVERSALES.
Un consejo, hagas lo que hagas, hazlo con pasión.
About three years or so.
* Approximate number of erotic toys (collection)
Well I feel very fortunate to be able to say that a large number, between 40 and 50 between vibrators, plugs, bullets, harnesses, and erotic complements
* How did you start as a sexblogger?
I started because I had always been very excited to have a blog, and I decided to talk about what I like and what I feel most comfortable.
* What do you like most about dedicating yourself to it? And what less?
What I like the most is that thanks to the blog I have met wonderful people, it has given me the opportunity to work in another of my illusions, for an online TV program talking about sexuality. I also love to learn new things and live new experiences, to leave the comfort zone.
What less the great daily sacrifice that entails, be active in all social networks.
* A desire for the future (related to your blog, to the vision of sexuality …).
My desire is that sex education comes positively, in all areas and throughout the life of each of us. Also fight because all sexual rights are truly UNIVERSAL.
* A tip for other bloggers
A tip, whatever you do, do it with passion.
Miss Ruby Reviews |
* Nombre / Web / País
Ruby / Miss Ruby Reviews / Canadá.
* Tiempo como sexblogger
He estado llevando este blog desde enero de 2015, por lo que hace poco más de dos años.
* Número aproximado de juguetes eróticos (colección)
He poseído cerca de 130 juguetes sexuales, pero no todos al mismo tiempo. A medida que recibo juguetes nuevos para su revisión, frecuentemente reciclo los viejos (o los vendo estériles) cuando mi armario se llena demasiado. En este momento sólo tengo unos 50 juguetes.
* ¿Cómo empezaste como sexblogger?
Descubrí que la revisión de juguetes sexuales era una «cosa» después de ver la serie documental de Lovehoney, Frisky Business. Acababa de comprar una gran cantidad de juguetes y decidí de inmediato comenzar un blog para revisar los juguetes que acababa de comprar. No esperaba que mi interés durara tanto tiempo, ni que fuera tan exitoso.
* ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de dedicarte a él? ¿Y qué menos?
Me encanta recibir juguetes -esa sensación nunca envejece. Pero lo que más me gusta es cómo mi blog me ha conectado a una gran comunidad global de sexbloggers -todos ellos apasionados por el feminismo, la justicia social y el placer consensual. He conocido a tanta gente fantástica, y me encanta ser parte de la comunidad.
Mi cosa menos favorita acerca de llevar de un blog de sexo es tratar con empresas que no te respetan. No sucede a menudo, pero a veces las compañías no pueden creer que usted no les ofrecerá publicidad libre, o que usted no desea repasar su juguete insano.
* Un deseo de futuro (relacionado con tu blog, con la visión de la sexualidad …).
Me encantaría que las empresas dejen de usar materiales insalubres (gelatina, caucho). Hasta hace unos años, no entendía que los materiales de los juguetes sexuales podrían ser perjudiciales. Ahora que lo sé, sólo promuevo los materiales sanos (silicona, plástico ABS, vidrio, etc).
* Un consejo para otros bloggers
Se amable -llevarse bien con sus compañeros en la comunidad es importante.
Promover la actividad sana, consensual y los juguetes.
Apoye a las marcas que están tratando de ser género-inclusivas.
No copie el diseño de otro blogger o sus palabras.
Recuerde que lo que está haciendo es más que sólo una revisión de un juguete. Es parte de un movimiento más grande para desestigmatizar el placer.
* Name / Web / Country
Ruby / Miss Ruby Reviews / Canada.
* Time as sexblogger
I’ve been running this blog since January 2015, so just over two years.
* Approximate number of erotic toys (collection)
I’ve owned about 130 sex toys, but not all at the same time. As I get new toys for review, I frequently recycle old ones(or sell sterile ones) when my closet gets too full! Right now, I only have about 50 toys.
* How did you start as a sexblogger?
I discovered that sex toy reviewing was a «thing» after watching Lovehoney’s documentary series, Frisky Business. And I’d just bought a huge lot of toys and decided immediately to start a blog to review the toys I’d just bought. I didn’t expect that my interest would hold for so long, nor that it would be so successful.
* What do you like most about dedicating yourself to it? And what less?
I love receiving toys — that feeling never gets old. But my favorite thing is how my blog has connected me to a large global online community of sex bloggers — all of whom are passionate about feminism, social justice, and consensual pleasure. I’ve met so many great people, and I love being a part of the community.
My least favorite thing about running a sex blog is dealing with companies who do not respect you. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes companies cannot believe that you won’t offer them free advertising, or that you don’t want to review their unhealthy toy.
* A desire for the future (related to your blog, to the vision of sexuality …).
I’d love for companies to stop using unhealthy materials (jelly, rubber). Until a few years ago, I didn’t understand that sex toy materials could be harmful. Now that I know, I only promote healthy sex toy materials (silicone, ABS plastic, glass, etc).
* A tip for other bloggers
Be nice — getting along with your peers in the community is important.
Promote healthy, consensual activity and toys.
Support brands that are trying to be gender-inclusive.
Don’t copy another blogger’s blog design or words.
Remember that what you’re doing is more than just 1 review of 1 toy. It’s part of a larger movement to de-stigmatize pleasure.
* Name / Web / Country
Mª José / Maryasexora / Spain
* Time as sexblogger
I think the first post published for April 2011, that’s almost, almost 6 years ago.
* Approximate number of erotic toys (collection)
Wow! I do not want to go overboard, but I’ve already lost count, hahaha. For if it serves as a guide, when my nieces come home, I have to keep them in a big bag and I’m running short …
* How did you start as a sexblogger?
For ease. For having my corner so I can talk about sexuality in a natural and enjoyable way. When I was young, for me, sex was limited to sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Luckily, a radio program by Lorena Berdún made my vision of sexuality change. So much it helped that I wanted to do something similar, to spread a vision of positive and natural sexuality.
* What do you like most about dedicating yourself to it? And what less?
The best? Everything I learn day by day and the amount of people I have been able to know thanks to the blog. Well, that and being able to try new toys for later reviews, that’s also a point, let’s not fool ourselves, hahaha.
The worst are trolls and square heads. People who have an idea between eyebrow and eyebrow and with which you can not dialogue because basically do not want to debate, just give them the reason and point. I get to despair a little that you, in good manners, try to make them open their eyes and no good.
* A desire for the future (related to your blog, to the vision of sexuality …).
May the day come when blogs like mine are not necessary because all the taboos and the fears about sexuality have already been overcome. That a true sex education be done to make it possible.
* A tip for other bloggers
Let them write on a subject they like and be constant. Do not martiricen with heavy SEO or with visits. Let them think that this is a job that you do in an altruistic way. If you only do it for fame and glory, you will soon tire of it and abandon it. If you do it because you really like it and enjoy it, you will improve over time, the visits will arrive and with them, perhaps, fame and glory.
Basically, they take it as a hobby and as such enjoy it without further ado.
Jardín de adultos |
* Nombre / Web / País
Mariana y Diego / Jardín de adultos / México
* Tiempo como sexblogger
10 años (al menos).
* Número aproximado de juguetes eróticos (colección)
En stock, 20. En uso, 5. En uso, diario ¡1!
* ¿Cómo empezaste como sexblogger?
Como pareja, empezamos por explorar caminos de sexualidad compartida y aventuras eróticas poco convencionales. Mientras más nos íbamos adentrando en el mundo del sexo grupal, más nos hacía falta una válvula de escape para entender lo que nos estaba sucediendo. Comenzamos a escribir «Jardín de adultos» para darle forma a todas nuestras ideas al respecto. Al principio, se trataba de un blog más literario que otra cosa, aprovechábamos el espacio para dar rienda suelta a cierta vocación poética, pero poco a poco nos dimos cuenta que la gente se acercaba buscando información concreta sobre el mundo swinger. Como para nosotros, iniciarnos en el mundo liberal fue un camino un tanto tortuoso (había poca o nula información al respecto), nos pareció importante irle dando forma al blog. De manera que, lo mismo sirviera como un espacio narrativo que como una guía para parejas interesadas en la vida sw. Así, Jardín de Adultos fue consolidando su vocación como una publicación especializada en swinging, sexo grupal, e intercambio de parejas. Por supuesto, también aprovechamos nuestro foro para hablar de otros temas sexuales que nos interesan: arte erótico, juguetes, turismo para adultos, libros… en fin. Nos gusta hablar, y hablar de sexo.
* ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de dedicarte a ello? Y ¿lo qué menos?
Escribir «Jardín de adultos» nos ha traído muchas cosas que nos encantan: principalmente, muy buenos amigos. Gracias al blog, hemos conocido gente increíble que nos ha abierto sus brazos, sus corazones, y en algunos casos, hasta sus piernas. Actualmente nos sentimos parte importante de la comunidad swinger y eso nos hace muy felices. Quizá lo que menos nos gusta de la movida blogger, es que para crecer y mantener audiencias, no basta con producir buenos contenidos. (Aunque Google diga lo contrario). Hoy es necesario también ser community manager, experto en SEO, tener un canal de YouTube, hacer relaciones públicas, etc… Todo sería más sencillo si los blogueros nos pudiéramos dedicar sólo a bloguear.
* Un deseo de futuro (para tu blog, la visión de la sexualidad, la educación sexual…)
Nos gustaría que en el futuro la gente deje de mirar como animalito de zoológico a todo aquel que tiene una afición sexual diferente a la suya. Obviamente, no faltará quien tache a los demás de pervertidos o enfermos. Eso, es triste, pero al menos es franco. Lo que nos parece más odioso es cuando alguien se las da de tolerante tratando temas de diversidad sexual, pero en su discurso transluce su reprobación. Esa normatividad disfrazada es lo que más quisiéramos que desapareciera, este discreto: «Yo respeto pero…» que, por velado se permea con mayor facilidad, perpetrando la noción de que la sexualidad es única e invariable.
* Un consejo para otros bloggers
Paciencia, constancia y comunidad. Hacer una base de lectores no ocurre de la noche a la mañana. Internet es una maravilla moderna, pero no es un milagro. Nadie se despierta de pronto con cien millones de lectores. Es necesario escribir mucho, por mucho tiempo y sin esperar mucho. Por otro lado, unirse a comunidades y hacer lazos estrechos con otros actores del mundo virtual es un excelente inversión a mediano plazo.
Mariana y Diego / Jardín de adultos / Mexico
* Time as sexblogger
10 years (at least).
* Approximate number of erotic toys (collection)
In stock, 20. In use, 5. In use, daily ¡1!
* How did you start as a sexblogger?
As a couple, we begin by exploring paths of shared sexuality and unconventional erotic adventures. The further we got into the world of group sex, the more we needed an outlet to understand what was happening to us. We started writing «Adult Garden» to give all our ideas about it. At first, it was a blog more literary than anything else, we used the space to unleash a certain poetic vocation, but little by little we realized that people were approaching looking for specific information about the swinger world. As for us, starting in the liberal world was a rather tortuous way (there was little or no information about it), we thought it important to go giving shape to the blog. So, the same would serve as a narrative space as a guide for couples interested in life sw. Thus, Adult Garden was consolidating its vocation as a publication specialized in swinging, group sex, and couples exchange. Of course, we also use our forum to talk about other sexual topics that interest us: erotic art, toys, tourism for adults, books … in short. We like to talk, and talk about sex.
* What do you like most about dedicating yourself to it? And what less?
Writing «Jardín de Adultos» has brought us many things that we love: mainly, very good friends. Thanks to the blog, we have met incredible people who have opened their arms, their hearts, and in some cases even their legs. We currently feel that we are an important part of the swinger community and that makes us very happy.
Perhaps what we like least about the blogger move is that to grow and maintain audiences, it is not enough to produce good content. (Although Google says otherwise). Today you also need to be a community manager, SEO expert, have a YouTube channel, do public relations, etc … Everything would be simpler if bloggers could dedicate to just blogging.
* A desire for the future (related to your blog, to the vision of sexuality …).
We would like people in the future to stop looking like a zoo animal to anyone who has a sexual taste different from yours. Obviously, anyone who crosses the perverts or sick will not be lacking. That’s sad, but at least it’s frank. What seems most hateful to us is when someone gives them tolerant treatment of issues of sexual diversity, but in his speech translates their disapproval. This disguised normativity is what we most want to disappear, this discreet: «I respect but …» which, by veiled, permeates more easily, perpetuating the notion that sexuality is unique and invariable.
* A tip for other bloggers
Patience, perseverance and community. Making a reader base does not happen overnight. Internet is a modern wonder, but not a miracle. No one suddenly wakes up with a hundred million readers. It is necessary to write a lot, for a long time and without waiting much. On the other hand, joining communities and making close ties with other players in the virtual world is an excellent investment in the medium term.
Ya conoces un poco más a algunos de los miembros de la comunidad sexblogger, e incluso puede que hayas conocido a alguien de quien no habías oído hablar. ¿A qué es genial? La semana que viene volvemos con la segunda parte de Sexbloggers, más allá de las fronteras. ¡No te lo pierdas!
You already know a little more of the members of the sexblogger community, and you may even have met someone you had not heard of. What is great? Next week we will return with the second part of Sexbloggers, beyond the borders. Do not miss it!
Mary Asexora dice
¡Ohhhh! Me encanta este post porque me da la oportunidad de conocer un poquito más a grandes compañeras como Jugando con Eros y descubrir otros como Jardín de adultos, por ejemplo.
Mamá, no leas dice
Es genial poder hacer post así. No estamos solos, y la comunidad es importante 😉
Cristina Callao dice
Menudo trabajazo de post! Está muy bien que hayas ampliado fronteras.
Felicidades Gwen!!
Mamá, no leas dice
Gracias amor! Está claro que las cosas sencillas y fáciles no van conmigo, lo que me gusta a mí complicarme, pero con lo bien que queda luego, ¿cómo dejar de hacerlo?
Christine Erotic dice
Enhorabuena está genial, las preguntas son las precisas y las respuestas muy sinceras ?
Mamá, no leas dice